Below is a small sampling of Mark’s abstract sculpture work from the past few years.  He has approximately 200 pieces presently available in roughly 30 themed series, created from a wide variety of materials.  Artwork sizes range from 8″ tall to over 5 feet in height.  For a more complete overview of his entire body of work, please visit Mark’s Baker Artist Awards portfolio page.  We are currently working on creating a complete catalog of his work, which will show all available pieces in every series to date.
Photo by Mike Hearse

To purchase any of Mark’s artwork, or for more information on any piece seen at a show, please contact Carol Stover at 410-961-6293 or  Artwork can be shipped to any location, or will be hand delivered to any destinations in the greater Baltimore area.  Mark is also personally available to do custom installation of your art piece.

Mark also accepts personal and corporate commissions of specially designed pieces or series for your home or office.  Please contact Carol Stover with your requests.